Considering a career in supply chain? Find out why this field is a top choice and what it offers.
We’ll discuss the advantages and how to attract and retain the best talent.
Explore the video below to see why a supply chain career could be the right path for you.



Rob: One of the big challenges in the supply chain today is attracting and retaining top talent, and that’s our topic this week. We’re talking with Sophia Rivas Herrera, who’s passionate about this issue. Welcome, Sophia! Where are you speaking to us from?

Sofia: Hello, Rob! I’m in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Rob: Great! We connected on LinkedIn recently. You’ve been speaking at seminars, conferences, and even run a podcast on supply chain.

Sofia: Yes, I’ve hosted some episodes of a podcast in Spanish, which has been an exciting project.


Transition to Supply Chain


Rob: Fantastic! What drew you to a supply chain career over other fields?

Sofia: I studied industrial engineering, which focuses on manufacturing. However, I realized I needed something more. When a professor mentioned supply chain, I was intrigued. I dove into it and specialized in it because it’s more holistic, covering everything from product conception to delivery and return. I enjoy the diverse challenges it offers.


Interest in Talent Acquisition


Rob: Supply chain does attract people who are part engineer, part practical, and people-focused. What’s your interest in talent acquisition and retention?

Sofia: I’m not in HR, but I act as an ambassador for the field. I’ve noticed that while many enter a supply chain career, not all progress to mid-level management or beyond. Diversity, including gender, diminishes at higher levels. I’m motivated to attract and retain talent and understand why people leave. I believe we need to rebrand the industry and highlight its impact on the world.


Evolving Roles and Career Advice


Rob: Supply chain roles have evolved, with managers now having broader responsibilities. What advice would you give to someone considering a supply chain career?

Sofia: Success isn’t linear, and careers in supply chain can be dynamic. If you enjoy a fast-paced environment and problem-solving, this field offers diverse opportunities. Networking is crucial—build and nurture relationships both inside and outside your company. It’s about creating a supportive ecosystem that benefits everyone involved.


Importance of Networking


Rob: Networking is indeed essential. It’s about mutual value, not just selling. It’s a long-term investment in relationships.

Sofia: Exactly. Networking helps you stay connected and creates a safety net. It’s important to build and maintain these connections.


Watch the full video above for more tips and insights.


To hear more from Sofia, check out these links:


Podcast Supply Chain Now en Español:
One of our best episodes on sustainability:

Sofia Rivas Herrera LinkedIn
MITx Supply Chain Network Design Course


Related articles on this topic have appeared throughout our website, check them out:


Editor’s Note: The content of this post was originally published on Logistics Bureau’s website dated March 06, 2024, under the title “Why Supply Chain Is a Great Career with Sofia Rivas Herrera



Contact Rob O'Byrne
Best Regards,
Rob O’Byrne
Phone: +61 417 417 307


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