Logistics Bureau has been providing free Supply Chain and Logistics seminars to the industry since 2003. Over that time thousands of executives have enjoyed the information sharing and networking they provide.
Our seminar series have traditionally rotated around locations such as Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Bangkok and Ho Chi Minh City. But last month, we hit some new locations in Australia, such as Brisbane, North Ryde, Newcastle, Wollongong and Canberra. Thanks to all who gave up their time to come along and for the great feedback. It’s always appreciated.
Our next events in Australia will include a return to Victoria and maybe South Australia. So if you are not yet on our invitation list, you can fix that right now.
Just register on this link, and we’ll make sure you receive future invitations:
Free Supply Chain and Logistics Seminars
We look forward to seeing you at one of our events very soon…