Why Logistics Outsourcing can go Badly Wrong
Having been involved in hundreds of outsourcing projects over the last 23 years, I’ve been able to deal with various clients. And when Logistics Outsourcing goes wrong, I get questions like “Who’s to blame? Is it the 3PL company who screw it up? Or Is it the customer?...
How to Deliver Customer Satisfaction and Service at the Lowest Cost
In this article we will look at the topic of customer service: getting it right in your business, understanding the implications for your distribution network, and how you can extract more value—and get more cost—out of your business. Do you have...
Supply Chain Education and Qualifications
In the previous episodes, Sarah Barnes-Humphrey, Supply Chain Expert, shared her thoughts on the 3PL Industry and the Technology in Supply Chain nowadays. In this video, she will be giving pieces of advice to people thinking of getting into Supply Chain. Watch this:...
3PL Bidding Tips
3PLs (Third Party Logistics) companies make fundamental mistakes when replying to Request for Proposal and/or Request for Tender. Here are the things you need to know to respond appropriately to a 3PL RFT / RFP. Timing Get into the data Ask Questions ??? ??? ??? ???...
Technology in Supply Chain with Sarah Barnes-Humphrey
If you have seen our videos, most of them are all about technology and people. We often get questions like: What are the essentials components in using tech in the supply chain, and what people usually get wrong? Watch this video as Sarah Barnes-Humphrey, Supply Chain...
All about Logistics Outsourcing
One of the most common questions we get asked is all about outsourcing. What is it exactly? Watch this episode as we discuss the different situations and challenges of this business strategy. Related articles on this topic have appeared...
Interview with Sarah Barnes-Humphrey on 3PL Industry
What is going on with the 3PL industry nowadays? What is the industry needs to do better? Let us hear the insights of an expert, Sarah Barnes-Humphrey. She comes from a 3PL family and she is now based in Canada. Related articles on this topic have...
Supply Chain KPIs and Its Importance
Supply Chain KPIs is the most popular topic on our Supply Chain Blog, LinkedIn, YouTube channel and on any social media accounts, we have! So, we will share a recorded 1-hour webinar, all about Supply Chain key performance indicators. You can check it out right here:...
12 Smart Ways to Reduce Your Freight Costs
ARTICLE SUMMARY A common conundrum for companies is how to reduce their freight costs, which due to a recovery in demand following the Covid-19 pandemic have skyrocketed. Putting a lid on escalating freight costs has now become more important than ever. There are a...
The Basic Introduction on Supply Chain and Logistics Benchmarking
What is Supply Chain Benchmarking? Why and how do we do it? Check out this video to find out the answers. Also, we have a recorded webinar on this topic. You can access it here: Related articles on this topic have...