An 8-point Guide to Understanding Your Cost to Serve
The concept of cost to serve is very simple but I am always amazed at how few businesses and supply chain managers really understand it…
Shifting to a Supply Chain Career
From Law to Supply Chain, Ariane Fernanda Mbezele, gives us an inside story of how she got into this career, her insights on digitization and many more…
Women on Starting and Succeeding a Supply Chain Business
Why Supply Chain? What was the attraction? We have Suuchi Ramesh, Founder and CEO of Suuchi Inc., to answer these types of questions. Watch the video below:…
Why Should You Benchmark Your Supply Chain?
BENCHMARKING is recognized as one of the best ways of improving business performance. In this episode, you will understand why you should benchmark your supply chain and how you should do it effectively. Watch this: Related articles on this topic have...
5 Biggest Supply Chain Levers for 2021
Suppose you want to fix up your supply chain business and make the whole thing more efficient. What do you think you need to work on specifically?…
2021 Supply Chain Focus & Beyond
What is the future of Supply Chain? What should we focus on 2021 and beyond? Watch this: Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on January 06, 2021, under the title "2021 Supply Chain Focus & Beyond" on Logistics Bureau’s website. ...
Procurement vs. Purchasing: What’s the Difference?
The best way to understand the difference between procurement and purchasing in a business is to consider the process involved in buying a car, says Logistics Bureau’s procurement specialist, Trent Morris…
Raising Productivity in Logistics Operations: The BHAG Approach
Have you ever wondered why some businesses flourish and reap healthy profits while others flounder and make losses? The answer lies in the goals they set themselves.
A few years ago, James Collins and Jerry Porras in their book “Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies” came up with the idea of a BHAG, a big hairy audacious goal…
4 Common 3PL Mistakes on Logistics Outsourcing Contract
Having clear expectations is one among the four common mistakes that 3PL companies get into logistics contracts. It’s the power of the draft that is your opportunity to lay down exactly what you want and how it is going to work. Surprisingly, there are still a lot of...
10 Proven Principles for Best Warehouse Design and Operation
If you would like to optimise the performance of your warehouse, we offer 10 proven principles of warehouse design and operation that will help you meet this challenge…